Tuesday, January 25, 2011


The next day,as usual they woke up early. They have a practice that day for their upcoming concert.

At practice room.
When it was their break time..

->Dongho: “have u eaten?”
->Minyeon: “ne.(yes) how bout’ u?”
->Dongho: “me too. Well,we have practice now. Annyeong!”
->Minyeon: “okay. Take care”

Soohyun: “dongho-ah. U’re always texting nowadays. Who are u texting?”
Dongho: “my mum”
Kevin: “hyung!Dongho! it’s starting”

And they continued practicing..

        After the practice ends. Dongho went straight to his cellphone. He went to the toilet to get some privacy.

Minyeon: “yuhbaseyo?”
Dongho: “yuhbaseyo. Minyeon-ah. What are u doing?”
Minyeon: “im.. studying. What about ur practice?”
Dongho: “we’re done. Im going to ur house later. Wait for me okay?”
Minyeon: “but..”
Dongho: “annyeong!”
Minyeon: “what so important??”

They were on their way home when they pass minyeon’s house.

Dongho: “hyung! STOP!!”

The van stopped so sudden that all the members were shock.

Kibum: “yah! DOngho-ah!”
DOngho: “im going somewhere. Wait for me!”
Kevin: “Yah!!”

Dongho went to meet minyeon. Minyeon was already waiting at the park nearby her house. He ran towards minyeon.

Dongho: “minyeon-ah. Sorry I’m late”
Minyeon: “gwenchana. (it’s ok) what’s the rush?”
Dongho: “here” *gives tickets*
Minyeon: “what’s this?” *look at tickets*
Dongho: “I know u’re happy. Just say thanks and go the concert okay?”
Minyeon: “yeah. But it’s 2 tickets”
Dongho: “bring ur friend along. See u at the concert!”

And dongho left her with confusion. She doesn’t really get the point why dongho of UKISS treat her so nicely.

Next chapter coming!!

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