Friday, January 28, 2011


Dongho went out of the car first as he was sitting in the front followed by kiseop. While running..

Dongho: “minyeon-ah! Go the park nearby. Pali~”
Minyeon: “mwo? Wae?”
Dongho: “just come!!”

Off phone..
And kiseop also called her..

Kiseop: “minyeon-ssi. Can u come to the park nearby?”
Minyeon: “huh??”
Kiseop: “okay thx!”

Minyeon: “what’s wrong with these people? Im in the middle of doing my homework”

She puts on slacks,a t-shirt with a white sweater on top and sandals and went straight outside.
When she arrived,both dongho and kiseop were running towards her and she was shocked. She stepped back look a bit scared cause they looked like they were going to eat her. XD

Minyeon: “mwo???!”

Dongho approach her first and gave the pooh bear.

DOngho: “minyeon-ah. A small present but I hope u can accept it”


Kiseop: “minyeon-ssi. U love music right? Here’s a music box for u”

Minyeon: “wait2. What’s wrong with u guys?”
Kiseop and dongho: “just choose”
Minyeon: “if this is a joke,it’s really funny”
Kiseop: “no,it’s not. Please choose”

Minyeon thinks for a while. ‘how am I gonna choose between them?LOL’
And finally..

Minyeon: “I’m not going to choose”
Dongho: “minyeon-ah!”

Kiseop though for a second.

Kiseop: “okay. We wont make u choose”
Dongho: “but..”
Kiseop: *takes pooh bear*
Dongho: “yah!”
Kiseop: *holds back dongho* “then take both of them”
Minyeon: “but these..”
Kiseop: “please??”

Minyeon just couldn’t say no. she said yes right away..

Minyeon: “thx.”
Kiseop: “ne. take care”
Minyeon: “take care too”

And she walks away. Holding 2 precious gifts in her hands..

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