Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hyuna: “Yah! Minyeon-ah!”
Minyeon: *searching for familiar voice*
        “oh. It’s hyuna-unnie”
Dongho: “mwo? Odi? (where)”

Hyuna approaches minyeon and dongho..

Hyuna: “minyeon-ah. What are u doing here? And.. who’s this?”
Minyeon: “unnie.. uh”
Dongho: “Ukiss’ dongho” *whispers*
Hyuna: “huh? What are u 2 doing here?”
Dongho: “a date”
Hyuna: “mwo???!!”
Minyeon: “ani!! We’re just having a.. um.. a walk.”
        “anyway,what are u doing here unnie?”
Hyuna: “just buying some groceries n looking for some clothes. And..”

She brought minyeon a bit further from dongho.

Hyuna: “n I saw ur kiseoppie” *whispers*
Minyeon: “mwo??”
Hyuna: “he’s in this mall so becareful okay”
Minyeon: “why should i?”
Hyuna: “aish this kid. If u’re gonna choose him,don’t make him jealous”
Minyeon: “uh.. ne”
Hyuna: “I’ll go first. Have fun!!”

Minyeon was not really sure of her feelings right now. She likes kiseop but she’s really comfortable with dongho.

What dongho and minyeon doesn’t know is. The whole ukiss’ members were there!!

Kibum: “yah. Where is dongho?”
Soohyun: “he’s fine. Don’t worry. I know where he is”
Kevin: “where?”
Soohyun: “I wont tell”
Eli: “u’re sure about that?”

Just then the members tackle soohyun.

Soohyun: “yah! Yah! Okay. He’s at the shopping mall”
Xander: “which one?”
Soohyun: “i’ll show u”

And that’s how the UKISS’ members got there.

Minyeon: “er.. dongho-oppa. Let’s go home”
Dongho: “I haven’t had enough yet. Let’s go to GAME WORLD!!”
Minyeon: “mwo?!”
Dongho: “kaja!!”
Minyeon: “aish,jinja!”

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