Sunday, January 30, 2011



Dongho: *saw a car racing game*
        “Yah! Minyeon-ah. Let’s play this”
Minyeon: “u wanna play right? Okay!”

        In a blink of an eye she change into her outgoing side. Dongho never knew she had this side cause’ she seems shy.

Minyeon: “I’ll beat u In this”
Dongho: “yah! U’re suppose to let me win”
Minyeon: “no way~” *sticks out tounge*

But in the end,minyeon won. Dongho was not satisfied so he ask for a challenge of dancing. And minyeon won again!! Dongho never knew minyeon was that good at dancing either. XD
As a result,minyeon won all the games that they played.

Dongho: “u’re cheating right?”
Minyeon: “no. I’m not. Im a PRO”
Dongho: “aishh”

On the way..

Dongho: “yah! Isn’t that kibum hyung?”
Minyeon: “and soohyun and xander oppa”
Dongho: “and eli and Kevin hyung”
Minyeon: “and... kiseop-oppa”
Dongho: “aish. Jinja. This must be soohyun’s hyung work”
Minyeon: “what are we going to do?”
Dongho: “this is better. Kaja~!”
Minyeon: “mwo?!”

Dongho grabs minyeon’s hand and approach the ukiss’ members who are not in disguise.

Xander: “minyeon-ssi!”
Minyeon: ‘im dead meat’
Dongho: “im here too. Hello?” *waves hand*
Kibum: “we know u. that’s why we’re here” *push dongho away*
Dongho: “but I change my scarf!”
Kevin: “dongho-ah. Where’s ur favourite scarf?”
Dongho: “that? Oh.. er.. I misplace it. Haha. Clumsy me”
Eli: “by the way,what are u 2 doing here?”
Minyeon: “I can explain”
Dongho: “let me! Er,the truth is..”
Kevin: “the truth is?”
Dongho: “we’re going out!” (he means date)

All the members look at minyeon.

Minyeon: “mwo? No!”
Kiseop: “is it true?”
Dongho: “ne!”
Minyeon “ani!”

They said that at the same time..

Xander: “yah. Which is which?”
Dongho: “well,not yet” *laughs*
Kiseop: “minyeon-ssi?”
Minyeon: “it’s a no from me”
Dongho: “okay2. We’re just havin’ fun here”
Soohyun: “jinja? Or ...”
Minyeon: “ne! and we’re not going out”
Dongho: *looks at minyeon* “I guess it’s a yes” *disappointed*

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