Monday, January 24, 2011


The UKISS’ members ariived at their dorm.
Everybody wash themselves. DOngho was the first to use the bathroom.

DOngho: “Me first!!”
Eli: “What’s wrong with him?”

When everyone is washing up,dongho is already in his bed. With his cellphone!!

Press CALL

Hyuna is minyeon’s bestfriend. They both lost their parents during their childhood.

Hyuna: “minyeon-ah. Why are u late? Did the artist u worked for gave u too much job?”
Minyeon: “ani. (no) I just went for a walk just now”
Hyuna: “oh. Have u eaten?”
Minyeon: “ne. (yes)”
Hyuna: “that’s too bad. I cook curry for u”
Minyeon: “Mwo?? (what) I want them. Im still hungry”
Hyuna: “haha. So like park minyeon”

*man man ha ni plays* (minyeon’s cellphone)

Hyuna: “Minyeon-ah. Ur cellphone is ringing”
Minyeon: *approach her cellphone*


Minyeon: “yuhbaseyo? (hello on phone) “
Dongho: “Yuhbaseyo. Minyeon-ah”
Minyeon: “ne? (yes) “
Dongho: “Did u arrived home safely?”
Minyeon: “ne. (yes) I did. How bout’ u?”
Dongho: “We arrived safely. Sorry again”
Minyeon: “Huh? For what?”
DOngho: “About my hyungs just now”
Minyeon: “Oh. Gwenchana. (it’s ok)
Dongho: “That’s a relief. EM,gotta go now. Take care! Annyeong!”
Minyeon: “take care too”

Hyuna: “who was that?”
Minyeon: “Just someone. Em,unnie. I have something to tell u”
Hyuna: “about what?”
Minyeon: “the artist I worked for. It’s.. UKISS”
Hyuna: “Mwo???! (what) Jinja??!! (really)”
Minyeon: “ne. (yes) sorry I didn’t tell u”
Hyuna: “it’s ok. But be honest next time.”
Minyeon: “sure!”

At UKISS dorm..

Kiseop: ‘who’s dongho talking to? Minyeon-ssi?’
        ‘why is it so painful in here?’ *holds chest*

When dongho finished,kiseop quickly went to his room.

Soohyun: “kiseop-ah. Wae? (why) “
Kiseop: “ani. (no) im going to sleep first”
SOohyun: “uh.. okay”


Next chapter coming up!!

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