Friday, January 28, 2011

CHAPTER 19:Dongho and Kiseop

Kiseop: “yuhbaseyo?”
Minyeon: “uh. Who’s this?”
She didn’t see the caller’s name because she was too sleepy.
Kiseop: “oh. It’s kiseop here. Are u sleeping just now?”
And she immediately wake up.
Minyeon: “oh. I was”
Kiseop: “sorry bout’ that”
Minyeon: “ani. (no) gwenchana. (it’s ok) by the way,why are u calling?”
Kiseop: “I said I’ll call u. remember?”
Minyeon: “oh. Yea.”
Kiseop: “well,good nite. Sweet dreams. Dream of ukiss okay?”
Minyeon: *laughs a bit* “sure I will”
Kiseop: “take care. Bye!”
Minyeon: “take care too.”

But when the phone was off..

Kiseop: “choahae” *sigh*

Just about a few minutes later..

->1message received<-

->”I don’t know how 2 say this but im sorry bout’ what happen just now. Good night and take care” ♥ Dongho<-

Minyeon doesn’t know what to reply to him. She doesn’t get the point about the heart shape too. So,finally..

->”it’s ok. I know it doesn’t mean anything. Good night and take care too J” <-

The next day..

        Ukiss members went to work as usual. They were playing around and make some jokes. They were filming for a variety show that day and the members looked so close with each other. But dongho and kiseop was acting a bit awkward.

After the filming..

Dongho: “hyung..”
Kiseop: “ne?”
Kiseop: “do u like minyeon?”
Kiseop: “why’d u ask?”
Dongho: “just want to know”
Kiseop: “then.. how bout’ u? do u like her?”
Dongho: “i..”
Kiseop: “I saw u gave her ur favourite scarf”
Dongho: “huh? When did u see it?”
Kiseop: “that’s not important. Just tell me”
Dongho: “well,u have her picture in ur cellphone”
Kiseop: “well,okay let’s just say the truth”
Dongho: “hyung first”
Kiseop: “no. im the hyung. U first”
Dongho: “im the maknae. U go first”
Kiseop: “u go first” *tackles dongho*

The atmosphere was brighten a bit. They were playing around as always..

Dongho: “yah!yah! okay u can stop now” *still laughing*
Kiseop: “that’s what u get for being bad to ur hyung” XD
Dongho: “okay”
Kiseop: “im glad we’re still close”
Dongho: “of course. Friendship over love”
Kiseop: “I don’t believe u” *tackles dongho back*
Dongho: “yah! Okay stop!”
Kiseop: “hm,but do u really like her?”
Dongho: “then how bout’ u?”

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